Hotel Hotel
Camberra . Australia
Hotel Hotel . Camberra . Australia
Designers, artists, artisans and fantasists reflect on human frailty and importance of romance in the realization of the Hotel Hotel Canberra. The hotel is located in the NewActon a new cultural center of the capital, where businessmen, cultural people, art lovers and locals meets.
Hotel Hotel . Camberra . Australia
Hotel Hotel . Camberra . Australia
The Hotel Hotel is located within the residential building Nishi, a vertical village that has inside cinemas, bars, pop up stores and independent bookstores. The philosophy is based on the concept of sustainability, for this reason the public spaces of the hotel are furnished with simple materials, while the rooms are home-made furniture, art and collectibles objects.
Hotel Hotel . Camberra . Australia
Hotel Hotel . Camberra . Australia

Hotel Hotel . Camberra . Australia
Hotel Hotel . Camberra . Australia
Hotel Hotel . Camberra . Australia

Hotel Hotel . Camberra . Australia
Hotel Hotel . Camberra . Australia
Soho House Chicago . USA
Les Homme . Milan . Italy
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